CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 16
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 16 (1997-10-16)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1997-11].iso
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/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1995, 1996 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript.
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Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
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all copies.
/* gsmatrix.c */
/* Matrix operators for Ghostscript library */
#include "math_.h"
#include "gx.h"
#include "gserrors.h"
#include "gxfarith.h"
#include "gxfixed.h"
#include "gxmatrix.h"
/* The identity matrix */
private gs_matrix gs_identity_matrix =
{ identity_matrix_body };
/* ------ Matrix creation ------ */
/* Create an identity matrix */
gs_make_identity(gs_matrix *pmat)
{ *pmat = gs_identity_matrix;
/* Create a translation matrix */
gs_make_translation(floatp dx, floatp dy, gs_matrix *pmat)
{ *pmat = gs_identity_matrix;
pmat->tx = dx;
pmat->ty = dy;
return 0;
/* Create a scaling matrix */
gs_make_scaling(floatp sx, floatp sy, gs_matrix *pmat)
{ *pmat = gs_identity_matrix;
pmat->xx = sx;
pmat->yy = sy;
return 0;
/* Create a rotation matrix. */
/* The angle is in degrees. */
gs_make_rotation(floatp ang, gs_matrix *pmat)
{ gs_sincos_t sincos;
gs_sincos_degrees(ang, &sincos);
pmat->yy = pmat->xx = sincos.cos;
pmat->xy = sincos.sin;
pmat->yx = -sincos.sin;
pmat->tx = pmat->ty = 0.0;
return 0;
/* ------ Matrix arithmetic ------ */
/* Multiply two matrices. We should check for floating exceptions, */
/* but for the moment it's just too awkward. */
/* Since this is used heavily, we check for shortcuts. */
gs_matrix_multiply(const gs_matrix *pm1, const gs_matrix *pm2, gs_matrix *pmr)
{ double xx1 = pm1->xx, yy1 = pm1->yy;
double tx1 = pm1->tx, ty1 = pm1->ty;
double xx2 = pm2->xx, yy2 = pm2->yy;
double xy2 = pm2->xy, yx2 = pm2->yx;
if ( is_xxyy(pm1) )
{ pmr->tx = tx1 * xx2 + pm2->tx;
pmr->ty = ty1 * yy2 + pm2->ty;
if ( is_fzero(xy2) )
pmr->xy = 0;
pmr->xy = xx1 * xy2,
pmr->ty += tx1 * xy2;
pmr->xx = xx1 * xx2;
if ( is_fzero(yx2) )
pmr->yx = 0;
pmr->yx = yy1 * yx2,
pmr->tx += ty1 * yx2;
pmr->yy = yy1 * yy2;
{ double xy1 = pm1->xy, yx1 = pm1->yx;
pmr->xx = xx1 * xx2 + xy1 * yx2;
pmr->xy = xx1 * xy2 + xy1 * yy2;
pmr->yy = yx1 * xy2 + yy1 * yy2;
pmr->yx = yx1 * xx2 + yy1 * yx2;
pmr->tx = tx1 * xx2 + ty1 * yx2 + pm2->tx;
pmr->ty = tx1 * xy2 + ty1 * yy2 + pm2->ty;
return 0;
/* Invert a matrix. Return gs_error_undefinedresult if not invertible. */
gs_matrix_invert(const gs_matrix *pm, gs_matrix *pmr)
{ /* We have to be careful about fetch/store order, */
/* because pm might be the same as pmr. */
if ( is_xxyy(pm) )
{ if ( is_fzero(pm->xx) || is_fzero(pm->yy) )
pmr->tx = - (pmr->xx = 1.0 / pm->xx) * pm->tx;
pmr->xy = 0.0;
pmr->yx = 0.0;
pmr->ty = - (pmr->yy = 1.0 / pm->yy) * pm->ty;
{ double det = pm->xx * pm->yy - pm->xy * pm->yx;
double mxx = pm->xx, mtx = pm->tx;
if ( det == 0 )
pmr->xx = pm->yy / det;
pmr->xy = - pm->xy / det;
pmr->yx = - pm->yx / det;
pmr->yy = mxx / det; /* xx is already changed */
pmr->tx = - (mtx * pmr->xx + pm->ty * pmr->yx);
pmr->ty = - (mtx * pmr->xy + pm->ty * pmr->yy); /* tx ditto */
return 0;
/* Translate a matrix, possibly in place. */
gs_matrix_translate(const gs_matrix *pm, floatp dx, floatp dy, gs_matrix *pmr)
{ gs_point trans;
int code = gs_distance_transform(dx, dy, pm, &trans);
if ( code < 0 )
return code;
if ( pmr != pm )
*pmr = *pm;
pmr->tx += trans.x;
pmr->ty += trans.y;
return 0;
/* Scale a matrix, possibly in place. */
gs_matrix_scale(const gs_matrix *pm, floatp sx, floatp sy, gs_matrix *pmr)
{ pmr->xx = pm->xx * sx;
pmr->xy = pm->xy * sx;
pmr->yx = pm->yx * sy;
pmr->yy = pm->yy * sy;
if ( pmr != pm )
{ pmr->tx = pm->tx;
pmr->ty = pm->ty;
return 0;
/* Rotate a matrix, possibly in place. The angle is in degrees. */
gs_matrix_rotate(const gs_matrix *pm, floatp ang, gs_matrix *pmr)
{ double mxx, mxy;
gs_sincos_t sincos;
gs_sincos_degrees(ang, &sincos);
mxx = pm->xx, mxy = pm->xy;
pmr->xx = sincos.cos * mxx + sincos.sin * pm->yx;
pmr->xy = sincos.cos * mxy + sincos.sin * pm->yy;
pmr->yx = sincos.cos * pm->yx - sincos.sin * mxx;
pmr->yy = sincos.cos * pm->yy - sincos.sin * mxy;
if ( pmr != pm )
{ pmr->tx = pm->tx;
pmr->ty = pm->ty;
return 0;
/* ------ Coordinate transformations (floating point) ------ */
/* Note that all the transformation routines take separate */
/* x and y arguments, but return their result in a point. */
/* Transform a point. */
gs_point_transform(floatp x, floatp y, const gs_matrix *pmat,
gs_point *ppt)
{ ppt->x = x * pmat->xx + pmat->tx;
ppt->y = y * pmat->yy + pmat->ty;
if ( !is_fzero(pmat->yx) )
ppt->x += y * pmat->yx;
if ( !is_fzero(pmat->xy) )
ppt->y += x * pmat->xy;
return 0;
/* Inverse-transform a point. */
/* Return gs_error_undefinedresult if the matrix is not invertible. */
gs_point_transform_inverse(floatp x, floatp y, const gs_matrix *pmat,
gs_point *ppt)
{ if ( is_xxyy(pmat) )
{ if ( is_fzero(pmat->xx) || is_fzero(pmat->yy) )
ppt->x = (x - pmat->tx) / pmat->xx;
ppt->y = (y - pmat->ty) / pmat->yy;
return 0;
else if ( is_xyyx(pmat) )
{ if ( is_fzero(pmat->xy) || is_fzero(pmat->yx) )
ppt->x = (y - pmat->ty) / pmat->xy;
ppt->y = (x - pmat->tx) / pmat->yx;
return 0;
{ /* There are faster ways to do this, */
/* but we won't implement one unless we have to. */
gs_matrix imat;
int code = gs_matrix_invert(pmat, &imat);
if ( code < 0 )
return code;
return gs_point_transform(x, y, &imat, ppt);
/* Transform a distance. */
gs_distance_transform(floatp dx, floatp dy, const gs_matrix *pmat,
gs_point *pdpt)
{ pdpt->x = dx * pmat->xx;
pdpt->y = dy * pmat->yy;
if ( !is_fzero(pmat->yx) )
pdpt->x += dy * pmat->yx;
if ( !is_fzero(pmat->xy) )
pdpt->y += dx * pmat->xy;
return 0;
/* Inverse-transform a distance. */
/* Return gs_error_undefinedresult if the matrix is not invertible. */
gs_distance_transform_inverse(floatp dx, floatp dy,
const gs_matrix *pmat, gs_point *pdpt)
{ if ( is_xxyy(pmat) )
{ if ( is_fzero(pmat->xx) || is_fzero(pmat->yy) )
pdpt->x = dx / pmat->xx;
pdpt->y = dy / pmat->yy;
else if ( is_xyyx(pmat) )
{ if ( is_fzero(pmat->xy) || is_fzero(pmat->yx) )
pdpt->x = dy / pmat->xy;
pdpt->y = dx / pmat->yx;
{ double det = pmat->xx * pmat->yy - pmat->xy * pmat->yx;
if ( det == 0 )
pdpt->x = (dx * pmat->yy - dy * pmat->yx) / det;
pdpt->y = (dy * pmat->xx - dx * pmat->xy) / det;
return 0;
/* Compute the bounding box of 4 points. */
gs_points_bbox(const gs_point pts[4], gs_rect *pbox)
#define assign_min_max(vmin, vmax, v0, v1)\
if ( v0 < v1 ) vmin = v0, vmax = v1; else vmin = v1, vmax = v0
#define assign_min_max_4(vmin, vmax, v0, v1, v2, v3)\
{ double min01, max01, min23, max23;\
assign_min_max(min01, max01, v0, v1);\
assign_min_max(min23, max23, v2, v3);\
vmin = min(min01, min23);\
vmax = max(max01, max23);\
assign_min_max_4(pbox->p.x, pbox->q.x,
pts[0].x, pts[1].x, pts[2].x, pts[3].x);
assign_min_max_4(pbox->p.y, pbox->q.y,
pts[0].y, pts[1].y, pts[2].y, pts[3].y);
#undef assign_min_max
#undef assign_min_max_4
return 0;
/* Transform or inverse-transform a bounding box. */
/* Return gs_error_undefinedresult if the matrix is not invertible. */
private int
bbox_transform_either_only(const gs_rect *pbox_in, const gs_matrix *pmat,
gs_point pts[4],
int (*point_xform)(P4(floatp, floatp, const gs_matrix *, gs_point *)))
{ int code;
if ( (code = (*point_xform)(pbox_in->p.x, pbox_in->p.y, pmat, &pts[0])) < 0 ||
(code = (*point_xform)(pbox_in->p.x, pbox_in->q.y, pmat, &pts[1])) < 0 ||
(code = (*point_xform)(pbox_in->q.x, pbox_in->p.y, pmat, &pts[2])) < 0 ||
(code = (*point_xform)(pbox_in->q.x, pbox_in->q.y, pmat, &pts[3])) < 0
return code;
private int
bbox_transform_either(const gs_rect *pbox_in, const gs_matrix *pmat,
gs_rect *pbox_out,
int (*point_xform)(P4(floatp, floatp, const gs_matrix *, gs_point *)))
{ int code;
* In principle, we could transform only one point and two
* distance vectors; however, because of rounding, we will only
* get fully consistent results if we transform all 4 points.
* We must compute the max and min after transforming,
* since a rotation may be involved.
gs_point pts[4];
if ( (code = bbox_transform_either_only(pbox_in, pmat, pts, point_xform)) < 0 )
return code;
return gs_points_bbox(pts, pbox_out);
gs_bbox_transform(const gs_rect *pbox_in, const gs_matrix *pmat,
gs_rect *pbox_out)
{ return bbox_transform_either(pbox_in, pmat, pbox_out,
gs_bbox_transform_only(const gs_rect *pbox_in, const gs_matrix *pmat,
gs_point points[4])
{ return bbox_transform_either_only(pbox_in, pmat, points,
gs_bbox_transform_inverse(const gs_rect *pbox_in, const gs_matrix *pmat,
gs_rect *pbox_out)
{ return bbox_transform_either(pbox_in, pmat, pbox_out,
/* ------ Coordinate transformations (to fixed point) ------ */
#define f_fits_in_fixed(f) f_fits_in_bits(f, fixed_int_bits)
/* Transform a point with a fixed-point result. */
gs_point_transform2fixed(const gs_matrix_fixed *pmat,
floatp x, floatp y, gs_fixed_point *ppt)
{ fixed px, py, t;
double dtemp;
int code;
if ( !pmat->txy_fixed_valid )
{ /* The translation is out of range. Do the */
/* computation in floating point, and convert to */
/* fixed at the end. */
gs_point fpt;
gs_point_transform(x, y, (const gs_matrix *)pmat, &fpt);
if ( !(f_fits_in_fixed(fpt.x) && f_fits_in_fixed(fpt.y)) )
ppt->x = float2fixed(fpt.x);
ppt->y = float2fixed(fpt.y);
return 0;
if ( !is_fzero(pmat->xy) )
{ /* Hope for 90 degree rotation */
if ( (code = set_dfmul2fixed_vars(px, y, pmat->yx, dtemp)) < 0 ||
(code = set_dfmul2fixed_vars(py, x, pmat->xy, dtemp)) < 0
return code;
if ( !is_fzero(pmat->xx) )
{ if ( (code = set_dfmul2fixed_vars(t, x, pmat->xx, dtemp)) < 0 )
return code;
px += t; /* should check for overflow */
if ( !is_fzero(pmat->yy) )
{ if ( (code = set_dfmul2fixed_vars(t, y, pmat->yy, dtemp)) < 0 )
return code;
py += t; /* should check for overflow */
{ if ( (code = set_dfmul2fixed_vars(px, x, pmat->xx, dtemp)) < 0 ||
(code = set_dfmul2fixed_vars(py, y, pmat->yy, dtemp)) < 0
return code;
if ( !is_fzero(pmat->yx) )
{ if ( (code = set_dfmul2fixed_vars(t, y, pmat->yx, dtemp)) < 0 )
return code;
px += t; /* should check for overflow */
ppt->x = px + pmat->tx_fixed; /* should check for overflow */
ppt->y = py + pmat->ty_fixed; /* should check for overflow */
return 0;
/* Transform a distance with a fixed-point result. */
gs_distance_transform2fixed(const gs_matrix_fixed *pmat,
floatp dx, floatp dy, gs_fixed_point *ppt)
{ fixed px, py, t;
double dtemp;
int code;
if ( (code = set_dfmul2fixed_vars(px, dx, pmat->xx, dtemp)) < 0 ||
(code = set_dfmul2fixed_vars(py, dy, pmat->yy, dtemp)) < 0
return code;
if ( !is_fzero(pmat->yx) )
{ if ( (code = set_dfmul2fixed_vars(t, dy, pmat->yx, dtemp)) < 0 )
return code;
px += t; /* should check for overflow */
if ( !is_fzero(pmat->xy) )
{ if ( (code = set_dfmul2fixed_vars(t, dx, pmat->xy, dtemp)) < 0 )
return code;
py += t; /* should check for overflow */
ppt->x = px;
ppt->y = py;
return 0;